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Key Features of SceneMax VLC open source video player program utility software

A utility for VLC Media Player

The SceneMax program works with VLC Media Player. This is the free, open source multimedia player by VideoLAN. VLC supports older computers running Windows XP and Vista, and offers excellent quality playback with hardware accelleration. This compatibility with older operating systems enables our software to support them too. To get started with SceneMax you import video files directly or import a VLC Playlist. You set a start and end point for each part of the video you want to watch (these are called scenes). There can be one or more scenes per video file.

Easily setup what you want to watch

The program's Scene Recorder lets you set the scene points easily whilst watching the videos. It uses a Green/Red traffic light system. Start playing and click the Green button to include footage. When you want to stop click the Red button to exclude footage. If there is nothing more you want to include in that file, you may skip to the next one. This continues until you go through all the files or reach the end of the playlist.

Watch the finished sequence

Once you have set the scenes, you are ready to play them back. Press the "Play" button, sit back and relax whilst your sequence plays. You can change the size of the player window or watch in full screen mode. You can also play in a continuous loop.

You may save the scenes to file so you can watch them again another time. You may load a scenes file ready for playback or to edit them. You may add notes to the sequence including an overall title and description, and a separate caption for each scene.

Action camera friendly

SceneMax VLC supports slow motion for use with action cameras and outdoor sports. For sports such as snowboarding and mountain biking there is often an exciting part that you want to watch in slow motion. Normally this requires editing of a new video, but with this software you can include it in your sequence and watch the original files in slow motion (or fast forward). Simply change the percentage playback speed to your preference and enter the start and end times in the boxes.

Make custom sequences
BeeDownload the free SceneMax VLC trial version

Android version now available - watch demo video
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SceneMax Scene Creator and Playback Utility

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